





  • 文科核心
  • 39-44单位
  • 艺术311:艺术史1
  • 3

This is a survey course of Western art from the Prehistoric Period through the Renaissance, 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, 博物馆参观, 和讨论. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.


  • 艺术312:艺术史II
  • 3

This course is a survey of Western art from the Renaissance up to the 20th century 采用图文并举的讲座, 独立研究, 参观及讨论博物馆. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.

  • 曾201:世界文学到文艺复兴
  • 3

This course will focus on critical thinking 和 研究-based writing through comparative 和 interdisciplinary analysis. 除了讲课和课堂讨论, the study of representative great works of Western 和 non-Western literature from Antiquity, 中世纪, 文艺复兴则强调文学, 文化, 以及这些文本的宗教意义. Co-requisite: 因此201年; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take 201年曾 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • 跨文化交际
  • 3

Social 和 文化 variables in speech communication processes 和 strategies for resolving communication problems in inter文化 settings with an emphasis on variables such as perception, 角色, 语言代码, 和 nonverbal communication will be examined in this course.

  • HST 410:神话
  • 3

The reception of classical antiquity depends on both the stories the ancients told themselves, as well as their interpretation 和 reinscription in subsequent times 和 places. This course traces the debt moderns owe to the earliest recorded stories that shaped civilizations, both to appreciate the stories in their own historical context as well as consider the responses (both those that identify with antiquity 和 those that assume its alienation) of succeeding eras, culminating in critical consideration of contemporary 文化 evocation of the classical tradition. 先决条件: 因此201年 or 因此202年 or HST 201.

  • HUM 495:高级项目(1-3个单元)
  • 1

In this capstone course students will meet with an instructor once per week in order to formulate, 研究, 和 discuss an appropriate topic for their written project. 主题必须是跨学科的, combining their emphasis within the major with another discipline within the major. 前提条件:文科专业和高年级.

  • MUS 352: 音乐 of World Cultures -OR- MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity
  • 3

MUS 352: 音乐 of World Cultures - This course will introduce students to the study of music as a universal 文化 phenomenon 和 the discipline of ethnomusicology with exposure to the musical 和 社会 aspects of folk, 传统的, 以及亚洲地区的艺术音乐, 非洲, 中东, 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 和北美. 鼓励有音乐经验,但不是必需的.


MUS 482: 音乐 Cultures: 音乐al Expression in Christianity - This course will survey of the role, 发展, 和 function of music in the Christian church from its roots in the Old Testament to the present day, 注意圣经, 神学, 社会, 文化方面的考虑. 提供隔年.

  • rel321:世界宗教
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian religions will include motifs, 信仰模式, 仪式和崇拜, 道德, 社会模式, 起源与发展, 还有圣典.

  • THR 251:戏剧导论
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the various conventions, 形式, 风格, 以及戏剧的类型, including principles of play analysis 和 exploration of theatre criticism from dramaturgical, 文学, 和 文化 perspectives through the thematic discussions of representative plays. There may be an additional charge for required field trips.

  • 数学重点
  • 18日至19日单位
  • 271:微积分1
  • 4

This course will study differential 和 integral calculus in one variable through graphical, 数值和符号方法. 限制, 连续性, 衍生品, 我们会用代数方法来研究积分, 三角, 指数函数和对数函数, 包括应用微积分来解决问题. 先决条件: A passing score on the Calculus Placement Exam, or consent of the department chair.

  • MTH 272:微积分2
  • 4

的延续 m 271, this course will include a study of 方法 of integration, 应用于代数和超越函数. 旋转固体, 定积分和不定积分, 泰勒多项式, 序列与级数, will be studied 包括应用微积分来解决问题. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 271 或可接受的AP考试学分.

  • 从以下课程中选择三门:
  • 数学符号与证明
  • 3

本课程将介绍标准数学符号, 方法, 真值表, 和 principles of symbolic logic for use in determining the validity of arguments, dealing with proper notation 和 structure in mathematical proofs including direct 和 indirect proofs, 数学归纳法, 以及反例的构建. Application will be made to a field of mathematics such as set theory, algebra, or geometry. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 272.

  • 线性代数
  • 3

本课程将学习矩阵算术的性质, 线性方程组, 决定因素, 向量空间, 线性变换, 对角化, 内积, 以及这些主题的应用. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 272.

  • 373:微积分III
  • 4

作为 m 272, 本课程将包括向量微积分的学习, 三维计算, 偏导数, 多重积分, 微分学, 以及向量微积分中其他选定的主题. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 272.

  • 379:数值分析
  • 3

This course serves as an introduction to the basic algorithms of numerical analysis. Topics may include numerical solutions of algebraic equations, 插值和近似方法, approximate numerical solutions to systems of linear 和 non-linear equations, 以及数值微分和积分. 前提条件:C-或C以上 CSC 104m 272. 提供隔年.

  • 现代几何学
  • 3

This course will provide a general study of deductive systems of geometry including Euclidean, 射影, 有限的, 和其他非欧几里德几何. 提供隔年. 前提条件:C-或C以上 AMTH 101 or CMTH 101 or m 201 or m 252 or m 271 或同等.

  • MTH 384:常微分方程
  • 3

This course will cover the classification of differential equations along with first order equations, 具体差异, 整合的因素, 高阶微分方程, 待定系数法, 参数变化, 操作方法, 无穷级数解, 和拉普拉斯变换. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 272. 提供隔年.

  • MTH 387:概率与统计1
  • 3

This course will look at the probability 和 combinatorics; discrete 和 continuous r和om variables; the normal, γ, 卡方, 泊松, 二项分布的应用. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 373 (允许同时注册). 提供隔年.

  • MTH 388:概率与统计2
  • 3

的延续 m 387, this course will cover various multivariate probability distributions, 偏和无偏估计量, 最小二乘估计, 方差分析 , 块设计, 和 a revisit of hypothesis testing 和 a study of nonparametric statistics. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 387. 提供隔年.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this major 和 may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.
